Friday, June 15, 2012


By 1 a.m. the elder Andy was practically unrecognizable as the tender, helpful gentleman they knew at the office. He'd ingested enough alcohol that Emily was sure he'd remember nothing of the night's events from that point on. He had become an awful flirt with Heather since Jason left, but she seemed to find it charming and at times hilarious. Emily took an opportunity for an interview when she lost a game of pool to her boyfriend and was replaced by Brian. Heather had excused herself to the ladies' room.

"Hey Andy, how ya feelin'?"

His eyes were on a pair of females across the room, and he was grinning like a coyote. "Good, good."

"So hey, why didn't you go home earlier? Is your family out of town for the weekend?"

"What? Oh, no, they're home." Suddenly he seemed to understand the point of her question, and he looked her in the eye, then at his drink. "I, uh, just didn't wanna go home."

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