"So, Rachel," Brian said, "where are you and Ricardo goin' next?"
"Las Cruces, New Mexico. We're gonna see how much fun a person can have in the desert in February."
"Huh. Could be interesting," Aggie said.
"Yeah, I'm lookin' forward to it. Ricardo was talkin' about meetin' up with some border patrol guys if we get a chance."
Just then Dave appeared in the doorway and interrupted. "Brian, can I see you in my office, please?" And then disappeared.
Andy awoke from his stupor and turned to look at Brian. Everyone in the room was silent with wide eyes. What could this be about? Brian had put his all into finalizing issue ninety-six in Dave's absence. Had he forgotten something? Was Dave unhappy? Was Brian in trouble?
"Um, ok, I'll see you guys later," Brian said, getting up from his chair.
Brady, as usual, tried to lighten the moment. "Can I have your last doughnut?"
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